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Remodeling Tips for Homeowners in Port Orchard, WA; How to Plan a Major Renovation

Getting the opportunity to remodel your home can be an exciting adventure. But planning such a quest can be a bit overwhelming. Painting trends, lighting, deciding to remove walls or add them, what to do with cabinetry, and knowing what accessory flares are ideal are just a handful of questions you have to answer, and that’s just pertaining to how to remodel. Then you have to decipher how to go about it; DIY or professional, or some professional and some DIY. There is quite a bit to consider. Today, we at Gilbertsen Enterprises would like to offer some tips for remodeling your home. In an effort to assist you in your endeavor, we have compiled a few basic tips and advice to get you started on your home’s remodel.

Home Renovation Project Plan

Taking the time to plan ahead significantly minimizes the delays in your goals; such as estimated budget costs, scheduling of the itemized remodeling projects, and ensuring everything is executed accordingly. Know what materials you are in need of to assist in the construction developing smoothly is useful. Be sure to budget everything you have in mind as well as a little extra materials for contingency. Proper planning during the construction phase is key and if you are uncertain of the details, hiring a professional is probably ideal for your circumstances. Make arrangements for pets and children to spend some time elsewhere that is chaotic, you want them comfortable and in environments where they will not be easily stressed. If other arrangements are not easily made, make some adjustments that can make the remodeling process a bit more bearable.

Home Remodel Longevity & Maintenance

Keep in mind the long term commitment while making all the decisions for your remodeling. Consider the maintenance, cleaning, and professional services that will need to be performed beforehand.

Realistic Expectations for Home Remodeling Project

Once the remodeling has commenced, whether you are doing it yourself or have hired a professional crew, you need to remember that delays, snags and a few dilemmas are part of the project and will occur. If you keep in mind the set of possibilities going wrong, and accept the inevitability, you will be able to cope with the disappointment. Remember, we are all human beings doing the work, and miscommunication, or mistakes can happen. If you dive into a remodel with unreasonable expectations, and under false pretenses that everything will go 100% smoothly, your remodel will become an unpleasant experience. Professionals want their clients happy and satisfied with their workmanship, and most will do everything in their power to ensure you have a good working relationship.

Pack Up Your Non Essential Stuff While Remodeling

During a remodel, you want to pack away the nonessentials. The less bulk and clutter that is out of the way, helps tremendously during the various stages of your remodel. Valuables, knick-knacks, and other odds and ins should be safely tucked or stored away. A remodel will most assuredly cut down on some of your livable space to help give the crew a place to work. Storing the valuables away guarantees their safety and removing the clutter gives you and the crew more space to work. In a construction zone, accidents can happen, and though professionals minimize the risks, avoiding a catastrophe with a priceless family heirloom would be the best avenue. Store the treasures and bulky items somewhere safe until the remodel is complete.

Communicate with Renovation Contractors

Your commissioned professional cannot read minds and it’s important to express your ideas. With that in mind, during your consulting and planning process, always express your opinions, ideas and wants. If you are looking for feedback or suggestions, your professional can contribute to some ideas to help you narrow down your selections.

Home Remodeling in Port Orchard & Kitsap County, WA | Tacoma & Pierce County, Washington

If you are looking to remodel your home in Kitsap and Pierce County, WA, know that Gilbertsen Enterprises are standing by to assist you! Contact us today!

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